Meet Our Masters
Master Bob Straub
Started Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in1985, under SBN Mary Ann Walsh and SBN Al Caponigro.  Studied and trained to Sam Dan. In 2006 made a hard decision to leave and join another organization called UTA. Master John Ennis was the KJN. I trained with him until 2014 when I felt I needed a change due to differences between us. This was the beginning of Ryu Pa. Under UTA I opened my own Do Jang at the JCC of Scranton and in Pittston, PA. These were very successful days. In 2016 KJN Ennis contacted me about an idea he had. After several discussion's we thought it right to bring our Do Jangs together again under Ryu Pa Karate. The rest is history.
Master Lori Earl
Hello, I am Master Lori Earl. I have been training in Martial Arts for nearly 36 years.
I trained in Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation) and received the rank of 3rd Dan; Hapkido/Tae Kwon Do (World Hapkido Federation) and received the rank of 1st Dan; White Lotus Kung Fu with no rank of note; and Ryu Pa Tang Soo Do and received the rank of SBN.
Following is a list of the many special instructors I have studied under:
H.C. Hwang at the Soo Bahk Do Headquarters in Springfield, NJ; Master Mary Ann Walsh (who was the highest ranking female martial artist at the time); Master Alan Caponigro; Master Vince Sperduto, Master Paul Fazio; Master P.J. Zippitellli ; the late KJN John Ennis; KJN Joe Rickard; and most importantly Master Robert Straub.
My favorite component of Ryu Pa is sparring. I also love teaching brand new white belts and self-defense.
My advice to new students is … stay with it. Karate will make you strong; it will keep you challenged (both mentally and physically); it will keep you sharp; it will keep you flexible; it will keep you young!!
Master Tom Neimeic
I have been practicing Tang Soo Do karate for over 18 years. I have had the honor of training with Master Frank Trojanowicz, who is one of the first people to teach Tang Soo Do karate in America.
Ryu Pa karate school is a kind and inviting environment for people of all ages to enthusiastically learn about karate, which is why I practice and teach at this school. For any new students joining, one piece of advice I would give is not to get discouraged at all of the techniques you are given at the start. They will get easier with time.
Master Phil Richardson
I began Training in Tang Soo Do in 1966 while in the Army. I left Tang Soo Do for almost 45 years before returning in 2009. One of the things I most prize is my Green Belt card from Grand Master JC Shin.
In my journey, I have been a member of several Martial arts organizations including the National Karate and Jujitsu Union and UTA, the predecessor of Ryu Pa. I have had the privilege of training with many great Instructors to include SBN Mary Ann Walsh (when she was a Green belt!), SBN Bruce Steele, SBN Terra Steele McAuliffe, SBN Joe McAuliffe and SBN Dan Cure, SBN Lori Earl, and last but by no means least, SBN Bob Straub.
My advice to new students is just be your best self, you are not in competition with others. Do your best and never quit on yourself.
Joseph Luongo, Sr (Master-in-Training)
I started studying karate when I was around the age of 6. I took a break from karate for 25+ years and came back to this art when my children wanted to learn and do something new. It was a coincidence that my neighbor’s son was a karate instructor. It was even more coincidental that we both studied under the same instructors when I started, Master Walsh and Master Caponigro of the Moo Duk Kwan. Tang Soo Do is the only art form that I know but, I have learned a lot from different hand forms to multiple different weapon forms that you can use in everyday practice.
The thing that interests me in growing is bettering myself but also watching my children, and those who started with them, achieve a higher belt and seeing the light going brighter as they learn more in their development from a beginner White belt to Black belt. One piece of advice that I can give a new student is don’t give up! It may seem hard, or weird, but after a while you will start to understand what you are doing and soon you will be going up in belt levels. We are a school of fun, but we have discipline, something that can carry to different aspects of your life.